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MPCB Licence | MPCB Certificate | MPCB Online Application Procedure


Introduction: Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB)

In the state of Maharashtra, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) is implementing various environmental legislations. It basically includes the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, and Water Act, 1977. MPCB is basically functioning under the administrative control of the Environment Department of the Government of Maharashtra.

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Some of the important functions of MPCB

  • Planning of comprehensive program for the prevention, control, or abatement of pollution and secure executions thereof,
  • Collection and dissemination of information relating to pollution and the prevention, control, or abatement thereof,
  • To Support and encourage the developments in the fields of pollution control, waste recycle reuse, eco-friendly practices, etc.
  • Educating and guiding entrepreneurs in improving the environment by suggesting appropriate pollution control technologies and techniques
  • To create public awareness about a clean and healthy environment and attend the public complaints regarding pollution.

An industry that needs the Consent/permission of MPCB

Types of MPCB consent

Three types of consent issued under the provisions of the Water (P & CP) Act 1974 and the Air (P & CP) Act, 1981 are as follows:-

  • Consent to Establish

All the industries and activities that need consent must obtain consent to establish before the actual commencement of the works for establishing the industry/activity.

  • Consent to Operate

This consent has to be taken before the actual commencement of production including trial production. This consent is valid for a specific period of time.

  • Renewal of Consent to Operate

After a certain period, the consent to operate is renewed after a certain period.

Prescribed Form For Consent

For the convenience of the entrepreneurs, a combined application form under Water & Air Act and Authorization under Hazardous Waste (M & H) Rules, 1989 has recently been introduced in the state of Maharashtra for consent.

Fees of MPCB

For consent to operate, the industries can also pay fees for longer periods up to 5 terms.

The fees for authorization under Hazardous Waste (M&H) Rules 1989 are for a period of 5 years. The fees are payable at the Sub-Regional offices of the Board along with completely filled application form in the form of a demand draft.

Restrictions on the setting of any Industry in Maharashtra

The entrepreneurs are suggested to see the applicable restrictions for sitting of a new industry or its expansion.

Documents Required To Apply For MPCB Licence | Certificate

Documents that need to be submitted along with the MPCB application form are as follows

  • Detailed project report (DPR) about the project proposed.
  • Documents that pertain to location, 7-12 certificate, plot area available /allotment letter from MIDC and NOC from the relevant authority.
  • Detail information of capacity proposed, products and by-products expected, and raw material consumption.
  • A detailed description of the process with a flow diagram.
  • Detail information of boiler, cogeneration if any, backup power D G sets proposed.
  • Source of fresh water and its withdrawal permission, water utilization, recycling, and reuse.
  • Power requirement and its permission from MSEDCL.
  • Details Water balance.
  • Requirement of manpower, working days, season/off-season days
  • Detail information on air pollution control equipment, the treatment proposed for spent wash, size of chimney, and method of disposal of ash,
  • Detail information on existing ETP, capacity, input/output parameters, unit-wise sizes and
  • Process flow diagram
  • Air quality monitoring certificate
  • Details of hazardous and non-hazardous waste generation
  • Disposal arrangement for the effluent, membership certificates of CETP, and CHWTSDF if available.
  • Detailed information on the storage capacity of chemicals, products, raw materials, fuels, etc. planned.
  • Rainwater harvesting is proposed, and the stormwater drainage system is available.
  • Fire protection, safety, disaster management, and occupational health measures need to be adopted.
  • Risk analysis due to hazardous chemicals
  • Opposed open area, greenbelt development area, and list of trees that is proposed to be planted
  • Project layout drawing.
  • Detail information on investment with a proposal for environmental protection
  • Copy for analysis of  joint vigilance  report from pollution control board/laboratory
  • Details of any litigation against the company
  • Any notices and /or bank guarantee that has been given to the pollution control board, etc.
  • Any other documents as may be called by authorities from time to time.

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