Construction works in buildings are constantly going on here and there, What is so risky about them is their potential to pose a hazard to the workers at these places. Many processes followed at these sites are very dangerous and only should be allowed after due precautions. To address this issue the government has enacted the Building and Construction Workers Act in 1996 and the rules in 1998. These rules are guiding principles to undertake any such construction work. Along with the precautions these rules prescribe, there are also provisions to provide benefits to the workers and other welfare practices for these workers who put their lives in danger for the completion of these building and construction projects. The builders need to get the BOCW Registration to undertake such activity and provide the prescribed benefits to the workers registered under the same act.
Need of BOCW Registration
The object of the BOCW Act is to standardise the employment and conditions of service of BOCW Workers and to provide for their safety, health and welfare measures and other matters associated therewith. It applies to every establishment or employer which employs or had employed on any day of the preceding twelve months, ten or more building workers in any building or other construction work. Employers and establishments are defined in the Building and Construction Workers Act as the following-
What are Establishments?
An establishment is a body that employs building workers in any building or other construction works as defined in the BOCW Act. The word body includes the building workers working under the supervision of the contractor hired by the building owner. If such a contractor utilises the building workers for his residence then they would not be covered under this act until the cost of such construction work is more than 10 lakh rupees.
Who is an Employer?
The employer can be defined in two ways for different scenarios- (1) if the construction work is undertaken by a local authority or establishment the the chief executive officer of that local authority or the establishment will be the employer but if the work is assigned to a contractor then the contractor will be employer for the building workers hired to accomplish the job assigned to the contractor by the local authority or the establishment.
Building Workers Covered under the BOCW Act
The Building and Construction Workers Act was implemented to secure the safety, health and welfare of the building workers working in any building or construction work as recognised by the act. These building workers include people who are employed by an establishment or the employer to do any work in connection with any building or other construction work. These workers include the personnel doing any skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, manual, supervisory, technical, or clerical for hire or reward. The term building workers excludes those who are employed in managerial, administrative or supervisory capacity drawing more than one thousand six hundred rupees per month or exercise.