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How to Download a Trademark Registration Form?


Starting a new venture involves many legal, operational and financial considerations. Trademark registration is the most important step for any entrepreneur to protect their rights and ensure ownership of the brand. A trademark promotes incorporation with local laws, provides business credibility, protects the consumer, and allows access to financial resources and market opportunities.

Understanding Trademark Registration

A trademark refers to a specific mark, sign, symbol, word, or phrase that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods or services of one party from those of other parties. Trademarks are important for businesses, as they enable the consumer to identify the brand and, consequently, its products/services in a crowded marketplace. For example, the logo of Puma and Pepsi is regarded as iconic trademarks that speak of quality and brand identity.

Trademark registration is important to safeguard the identity and ownership of your brand. Getting your trademark registered not only provides you the solemnity but it also guarantees the protection of your brand and builds the trust among the consumers. The first process in this context is capturing the trademark registration form which is an official document that starts the process of your application. 

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Why to Register your Trademark? 

Trademark Registration provides several benefits to the brand owner. Some of the key benefits are mentioned below:

  • Protection of Brand Identity: Trademarks protect the brand identity through the distinction of products or services that evoke consumer loyalty and recognition.
  • Legal Remedies against Infringement: Trademarks allow businesspersons as well as creators to seek legal recourse against infringement of their rights.
  • Incentivizing Innovation: Protecting intellectual property encourages innovation since the environment will be conducive to new ideas and creative expressions.
  • Protects Consumer Rights: Safeguard the rights of the consumer from practices considered unethical and goods deemed to be unsafe because commercial establishments operate only with quality products and services following known standards.
  • Business Reputation: Increase a business's reputation with customers and investors as a professional, legitimate enterprise that inspires consumers' confidence and loyalty.
  • Evidence of Ownership: It provides brand ownership to the Entrepreneurs. 
  • Nationwide Protection: Getting a trademark registration offers nation-wide security. 

How to Download a Trademark Registration Form?

To start with the downloading process of your trademark registration form you can follow the below given steps:

  • Visit the Official Portal: Visit the official site “Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM).
  • Click on the Trademark Section: After visiting the portal, click on the mention and select the ‘Trademark’ section and then click on the “Trademark Forms” to get the access of all the linked available forms.
  • Download the Form: Select the TM- A form, this form is for filing a new trademark registration application. Tap on the ‘Download link’ in a word of Pdf format.
  • Form Fill up: After the completion of Download fill-up the form carefully with all the correct and necessary details:
  1. Detail of the Applicant: Mention your Full name, address, contact details and nationality. 
  2. Describe Your Mark: Add a description of your trademark: whether it is a device mark or a word mark. 
  3. Classification of Goods and Services: Select the suitable class as per your Goods and Services. For an example: Class 25 includes Apparel, foot wears and headgear. 
  4. Usage of the Trademark: Mention if the trademark is in use at present or will be used in the future.  
  5. Power of Attorney: If you are getting your trademark form filled by an agent, attach the power of attorney. 
  6. Signature: Signature of the applicant. 
  • Fee of Trademark Registration: Submit the mentioned fee to complete the process. 
  • Form Submission: After completing all the necessary steps submit the TM- A form. It can be submitted offline to the trademark office or through an e- filing Portal of the Trademark website. 
  • Time Period for Trademark Registration: The time period of trademark registration process varies as per the intricacy of the application.  It can take up to 12 to 18 months from the date of submission. 

Also Read: How Does Online Trademark Registration Help Businesses Navigate Competitive Markets with Confidence?

Validity of Trademark Registration

The trademark registration is valid for the duration of 10 years. Before the expiration of the registration the registrar sends notice to the applicant as a reminder of the renewal and warning of the removal. If the applicant files an application of renewal (Form TM- R) before the expiry of trademark registration and pays the applicable fees, the registrar can renew the trademark registration for another 10 years. In case the applicant failed to apply for the renewal of trademark registration, he/ she will have to pay the surcharge along with the renewal fee and renew the trademark registration within the six months from the date of expiry. The Registrar can remove the trademark from the register in case the renewal application is not made within the period of six months from the date of expiry of the registered trademark. 


In Conclusion, getting a trademark registration is not only crucial but also an imperative step to the development of sustainable business growth while ensuring legal standards are met along with consumer trust. Trademarks protect brand identity by preventing confusion among consumers as far as goods and services associated. With a valid trademark comes many benefits-credibility, easy operations, brand protection, consumer trust, and nation- wide access. By following the above given steps you can successfully complete your trademark registration process. Make sure you fill all the details accurately. 

In addition, better understanding of intellectual property rights as they relate to trademarks helps businesses lay a good legal basis for their development while safeguarding good assets in this highly competitive environment.

This portion of the site is for informational purposes only. The content is not legal advice. The statements and opinions are the expression of author, not corpseed, and have not been evaluated by corpseed for accuracy, completeness, or changes in the law.


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