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EPR in Battery Waste Management - Manufacturer, Importer, Assembler, And Reconditioned Authorization


Introduction: EPR in Battery Waste Management Authorization

Manufacturer, Importer, Assembler, and Reconditioned Authorization

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) refers to any battery manufacturer's responsibility for their products beyond manufacturing till environmentally sound end-of-life management; and for the channelization of waste batteries to ensure environmentally sound waste management. Extended Producer Responsibility may include implementing a take-back system, establishing collection centres, or both, and reaching out to registered recyclers individually or collectively through a Producer Responsibility Organization recognised by the producer or producers in their Extended Producer Responsibility - Authorization.

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EPR-Authorization refers to a producer's permission from the Central Pollution Control Board or a State Pollution Control Board to manage Extended Producer Responsibility with State-specific implementation plans and targets outlined in such authorization, including details of the Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) and other relevant information.

The Procedure For Obtaining Authorization And Registration To Handle Battery Wastes Is As Follows:

Procedure for registering recyclers and renewing their registration:

  • For registration or renewal, every recycler of old batteries must submit an application in Form 2(C) along with the following documentation to the Member Secretary, CPCB, or an agency recognised by it;
  1. a copy of valid consents obtained under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974, as amended, and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981, as amended;
  2. a copy of the valid Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling Rules, 2016 as amended) authorisation
  3. a copy of a valid registration certificate from the District Industries Centre; and
  4. a document of the State Pollution Control Board/District Industries Centre's verification of installed capacity
  • The Member Secretary, CPCB, or any officer or agency designated by the CPCB or an agency approved by it shall verify that recyclers have enough facilities, technical capabilities, and equipment to recycle used batteries and dispose of hazardous waste created;
  • Within 90 days of receipt of an application form with complete details, the Member Secretary, CPCB, or any officer appointed by the CPCB or an agency recognised by it, will make a decision on the application for registration.
  • Unless suspended or terminated earlier, the registration granted under this rule is valid for three years from the date of issue or from the date of renewal.
  • A renewal application must be submitted in Form 5 at least six months before the registration expires. After examining each case on its merits, the Member Secretary, CPCB, or any officer designated by the CPCB or an agency designated by it shall renew the recycler's registration.
  • After giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity to be heard, the Member Secretary, CPCB, or any officer appointed by the CPCB or an agency approved by it may decline to grant registration.
  • After giving the registered recycler an opportunity to explain and record the reasons, the Member Secretary, CPCB, or any officer designated by the CPCB or an agency designated by it, may cancel or suspend a registration issued under these rules if the registered recycler has failed to comply with any of the conditions of registration, or with any provisions of the Act or rules made thereunder.
  • It will be the responsibility of the State Boards to monitor compliance with the conditions set forth in the registration clause, and
  • Any order of suspension, cancellation, or rejection of registration issued by the Member Secretary, CPCB, or any officer or agency designated by the CPCB is subject to appeal. The appeal must be in writing and include a copy of the order being appealed against, and it must be filed within 30 days after the order's issuance.

Producer Authorization – EPR

  • Every producer of battery/battery-containing equipment must apply for EPR Authorization in Form 3 to State Pollution Control Board Pollution Control Committees in case of selling their product in one state or to the Central Pollution Control Board in case of selling their product in more than one state within three months of the effective date of these rules.
  • On receipt of a complete application in all respects, a committee constituted by the Central Pollution Control Board with representative members of State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees, after evaluating the State-specific EPR Plan, after such an inquiry as it deems necessary, and on being satisfied that the producer has detailed out an effective system to manage Extended Producer Responsibility in the, a committee constituted by the Central Pollution Control Board with representative members of State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees, The EPR-Authorization will be valid for a period of five years at first.
  • If the applicant's response is not satisfactory, the Central Pollution Control Board or State Pollution Control Board, as the case may be, may refuse to grant EPR-Authorization after giving the applicant a sufficient opportunity to be heard.
  • Following the award of EPR Authorization, the Central Pollution Control Board will transmit the State-specific Extended Producer Responsibility Plan to the relevant State Pollution Control Boards or Pollution Control Committees for execution.
  • The Central Pollution Control Board or State Pollution Control Board, as the case may be, may renew the authorization after examining each case on its merits and issuing a compliance report by the concerned State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committees, subject to the condition that there is no report of violation of the provisions of the EPR-Authorization before sixty days of its expiry.
  • Every manufacturer of battery/battery-containing equipment must take all necessary steps to comply with the EPR-conditions; Authorization's.
  • The State Pollution Control Board, in the case of a particular State, or the Pollution Control Committee, in the case of Union territories, shall keep a register containing details of the conditions imposed under EPR-Authorization for environmentally sound management of battery waste, and it shall monitor compliance with EPR-Authorization, take cognizance of any noncompliance, and notify the Central Pollution Control Board of the action taken.

Manufacturer, Importer, Assembler, And Reconditioned Authorization

  • Obtaining permission from the State Pollution Control Board or the Pollution Control Committee of the Union territory involved, as the case may be;
  • Shall submit an application in Form 2(A) to the State Pollution Control Board or the Pollution Control Committee for authorization within three months of the date of the commencement of these regulations;
  • The State Pollution Control Board or the Pollution Control Committee of Union territories may, upon receipt of a complete application for the authorization, grant an authorization in Form-2(B) to the applicant to carry out safe operations within ninety days after conducting any necessary investigations and being satisfied that the applicant possesses appropriate facilities, technical capabilities, and equipment to handle battery waste safely.
  • If the applicant's clarifications are not satisfactory, the State Pollution Control Board or the Pollution Control Committee of the Union territory may refuse to give any authorization after giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
  • Every person authorised under these rules must keep a record of the battery waste they handle in Form 6 and prepare and submit an annual return containing the details specified in Form 1 to the State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee on or before the 30th day of June following the financial year to which that return relates to the State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee on or before the 30th day of June following the financial year to which that return relates to the State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee on or before
  • An application for renewal of an authorisation must be submitted in Form-5 within sixty days of its expiry date, and the State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee may renew the authorization after examining each case on its merits and subject to the condition that no report of violation of the Act, its rules, or the conditions specified in the authorisation has been received.
  • Shall take all necessary steps to comply with the authorisation's terms when applicable;
  • The State Pollution Control Board, in the case of a respective State, or the Pollution Control Committee, in the case of Union territories, shall keep a register containing details of the conditions imposed under these rules for environmentally sound management of battery waste, and it shall be open for inspection by any person interested or affected, or a self-authorized person, during office hours.
EPR Authorization

EPR Authorization is mandatory for all Producers, Importers, Brand Owners & Manufacturers of Electronics, Plastic Packaging, Batteries & Tyres in India. Team Corpseed Will Help you with the technical consultant on the applicability of EPR rules on your business and also help you with the documentation to acquire registration/Certification from CPCB

PRO Authorization

The E-Waste Management Rules allow producers to meet EPR obligations via Producer Responsibility Organisations (PRO). Corpseed, proficient in CPCB authorizations, facilitates swift and reliable PRO Authorisation. Simplify the process with Corpseed for effortless compliance.

Battery Waste Management Authorization

Batteries (Management & Handling ) Rules apply to every manufacturer, importer, re-conditioner, assembler, dealer, recycler, auctioneer, consumer and bulk consumer involved in manufacture. Team Corpseed will help you to draft and submit online & offline application to respective SPCB and CPCB.

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