Consumer goods and food minister Pralhad Joshi, has underlined the demand for hallmarking of silver and silver artefacts, given the rising consumer demands. Speaking at the 78th Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Foundation Day, he said, "There is a demand from consumers for hallmarking of silver. You (BIS) can sit, deliberate, and take a call." This shows the increasing concern from consumers towards quality checking in silver products.
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Current Hallmarking Practices
The hallmarking policy of the government currently requires gold jewellery and gold artefacts to carry hallmarking, thereby protecting consumers' interests as well as proving the authenticity of gold items. The hallmarking process ensures the uniqueness of a six-digit alphanumeric code named HUID for certification purposes regarding the purity of gold. It has also led to maintaining high standards and gaining consumers' confidence in gold products.
Possible Extension to Silver
Extending the hallmarking system for the inclusion of silver will significantly escalate quality control in the country about precious metals. Upon implementation, consumers would be sure that the products available in the market are silver with proper hallmarks, just as with gold. It is an effective step forward by the government for further protection and trust among consumers regarding the precious metals market.
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