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EPR Authorization for Digital Camera

EPR Registration for Digital CameraEPR Authorization is mandatory for Digital Camera

Category: EPR Authorization

Product Code: CEEW19

Digital Camera is a portable device that we use to click pictures in digital format which are transferable to other devices through digital media. Some of them are also available with the added functionality of recording videos. These devices are also classified as e-waste under the E-Waste Management Rules. The EPR Authorisation for Digital Camera is mandatory and the producers should get it for these products. The manufacturers need to fulfil their EPR obligations against the produced digital cameras in recent years. Digital Cameras are built with a lot of small components that contain harmful substances which can cause huge losses to the environment if not disposed of properly. These devices need to go to the registered recycling centres for recycling and these recyclers should also give the EPR certificates to the producers for recycled Digital Cameras.

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