Reserve Bank of India – Integrated Ombudsman Scheme
by Vinay Singh on 2021-11-13
Ombudsman is person who deals with complaints made by ordinary people against organization independently. It is mechanism to have fair business practices for every user with no biasness for any reason.

How to Start Solar Panel Manufacturing Company in India
by Vinay Singh on 2021-10-29
Solar energy is the ultimate and free source of clean energy on the planet Earth which has been in existence since the very beginning of the universe.

TEC Certificate Registration Process in India - CSC TEC Registration
by Vinay Singh on 2021-10-26
The radio frequencies around us can affect the human tissues if absorbed in large quantities. Also, the same frequencies created a hindrance in the working of other wireless equipment.

Decoding the new Scale Based Regulatory Framework for Non-Banking Finance Company by Reserve Bank of India at Entry Level
by Vinay Singh on 2021-10-23
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has provided the final regulatory framework out of proportion from the discussion paper placed on 22nd Jan 2021 for public comments yesterday i.e. 22nd Oct 2021 to be effective from 1st Oct 2022.

Reporting of Foreign Direct Investment – Single Master Form under FIRMS Portal
by Vinay Singh on 2021-10-04
Reserve Bank of India, being apex Bank of country do regulate, manage, supervise, monitor and guide the foreign direct investment flow in the country via its dedicated department called Foreign Exchange Department as implementing agency on movement of Foreign Direct Investment through various forms.

What are the Regulations Applicable on a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC)?
by Vinay Singh on 2021-09-30
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) intends to implement a four-layered regulatory and supervisory framework for non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) as it moves toward scale-based regulation in the wake of recent market turmoil.