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Various Types of Compliance for Businesses
by Tanya Sharma on 2024-09-07

Compliance has grown to be much more than a legal obligation in the presently complex regulatory environment; it has turned out to be a basic strategic layer of business operations.

What is Sustainability?
by Mahek Sancheti on 2024-09-06

Sustainability is a term of recent renown that evidences the ever-increasing awareness of a balance that needs to be struck between human activities and the planet Earth for the fulfillment of all present needs, leaving remaining resources so that generations to come may also satisfy their needs.

Why EPR Certificate Is Required?
by Mahek Sancheti on 2024-09-06

In today's world, which is very awareness-driven towards the environment, sustainability assumes a very critical role. Extended Producer Responsibility certification assumes a big role in this initiative.

Which Method Do You Find Preferable for E-waste Disposal?
by Tanya Sharma on 2024-09-05

As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, the volume of electronic waste, or e-waste, is growing rapidly. E-waste includes discarded electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, and televisions, which contain valuable materials but also hazardous substances.

Innovative Business Models For Scrap Tyre Importers In India
by Mahek Sancheti on 2024-09-02

A rising amount of scrap tyres is being generated by the growing automotive sector in India, which needs to be managed properly lest it increases the danger to the environment.

F&O Taxation in India: F&O Trader Should Know About Return Filing
by Tanya Sharma on 2024-09-02

Taxation of F&O (futures and options) in India is a term that refers to the legal principles and policies of levying duty on earnings and losses resulting from transactions carried out with futures and options contracts on recognized stock exchanges in India.