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EPR Authorization for Fluorescent and Other Mercury-Containing Lamp

EPR Registration for Fluorescent and Other Mercury Containing LampEPR Authorization is mandatory for Fluorescent and Other Mercury-Containing Lamp

Category: EPR Authorization

Product Code: CEEW5

These are the light bulbs that use low-pressure mercury vapour gas in a phosphor-coated case. When powered, this vapour generates ultraviolet radiation and causes the phosphor-coated layer to glow. We use these electronic devices everywhere there is a need for light sources. Mercury-based lamps use electricity for their operation and hence qualify for the category of electronic products. Under the E-Waste Management Rules of 2022, they are classified under Consumer Electricals and Electronics category with the code CEEW5. EPR Authorization for Fluorescent and Other Mercury-Based Lamp is compulsory if you are manufacturing, selling, distributing, recycling and refurbishing these devices. Being an electronic device, Mercury-Based Lamps also contain some elements, minerals, and other substances that may cause harm to the environment. This is why pollution control boards continuously monitor the e-waste generated from Fluorescent Lamps.

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