Product Regulatory Compliance Service
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EPR Authorization for Products or Equipment of Transmitting Sound, Images or Other Information by Telecommunications
They need to get EPR registration for products or equipment transmitting sound images or other information by telecommunication before manufacturing, sale and distribution of such products.

EPR Authorization for Screen, Electronic Photo frames, Electronic Display Panel, Monitors
The producers of these screens and panels need to obtain EPR Registration for Screen, e-Photo Frames, e-Display Panel and Monitors from the CPCB before manufacturing and distributing these products in the market.

EPR Authorization for Other Products or Equipment for the Purpose of Recording or Reproducing Sound or Images, Signals and Other Technologies for the Distribution of Sound and Images by Telecommunications
This category includes any other devices that also have similar functionality to record and reproduce sound and images like video cameras, video recorders, sound recorders and sound amplifiers.

EPR Authorization for Iron and Other Appliances for Ironing, Mangling and Other Care of Clothing
Ironing appliances are essential for maintaining clothing. These appliances including cloth irons and garment steamers are designed to remove wrinkles and creases from garments which enhance their appearance and overall quality.

EPR Authorization for Tools for Riveting, Nailing or Screwing or Removing Rivets, Nails, Screws or Similar Uses
Riveting, Nailing and Screwing tools are used to perform various mechanical activities. These devices run on electricity and contribute to the e-waste accumulation which has to be dealt with due care and caution to ensure environmental health and public safety.

EPR Authorization for MRI, PET Scanner, CT Scanner and Ultrasound Equipment and Accessories
The producers need to get EPR Authorisation for MRI, PET Scanner, CT Scanner and Ultrasound Machines to sell these devices in the market otherwise the circulation of these products will be against the e-waste management rules.