The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF & CC) of India is an integral department of the Central Government and the apex body that controls and forms regulations regarding the preservation of flora and fauna along with formulating provisions regarding the preservation of the environment and reducing the causes and effects of pollution. There exist substances that are put into commercial use. Such substances are not environment friendly and upon improper disposal lead to the emission of pollutants that would be toxic to the health of living beings. It may pose a heavy threat to marine life if any such waste is discharged into the water. Further if released into the air or land, may cause extensive air and land pollution. No matter how useful they are, substances that produce and emit such waste as known as Hazardous Waste require special care while being handled and most importantly while being disposed of.
The Ministry's central hub for managing hazardous substances and chemical emergencies is the Hazardous Substances Management Division (HSMD). The Division's primary goal is to encourage the safe handling and disposal of hazardous materials, such as hazardous chemicals and hazardous wastes, in order to protect human health and the environment.
The Ministry hereby lays down provisions related to the use of Hazardous Waste in India. If Hazardous Substances need to be imported or exported, in and from India, they require separate consent for the same. No such waste can be imported into the country without prior permission. A separate procedure is needed to be followed for any kind of movement of such items. It is a well-known concept known as EPR where it is the ultimate responsibility of a producer from the start to end of a product, to ensure that their unit is not the cause of any pollution.