A Trademark provides security to the identity of a business. It is an exclusive right to use certain text, images, colour, sound etc., which has become a business entity's unique identity. Such trademarks are registered through the Registrar of Trademarks, but after every ten years, this trademark registration needs to be renewed. Non-renewal of such trademarks will threaten businesses as they may lose it to someone else who can further enjoy the undue advantages associated with the trademark.
Who can Renew a Trademark?
Trademark Registration in India can be renewed after nine years of the date of registration because this is when only twelve months are left for your trademark to expire. And as per the Trademark Rules, you can file the application for the renewal of the trademark when only one year or less is left before its expiration. Even if this period is over, you can restore your trademark. It is further described how you can restore the trademark removed from the register of the trademark.
Issuing Authority for Renewal of Trademark in India
The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks examines the application for trademark registration and renewal and grants the applicant the right to use such trademark. The Government of India appoints him and is also known as the Registrar of Trademarks.