Trademark Search is a utility provided by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks to search the exhaustive catalogue of all issued trademarks so far. A trademark is a sign provided to a business to use as its identity. It can be a text, graphic, colour combination, 3D design or sound. It provides users with the right to use the mark and prohibits everyone else from using it. Now the problem is how to know whether the trademark we want for our business is taken by someone else or not. This is where Trademark Public Search India fulfils its purpose.
The trademark public search utility allows users to access a vast database of registered trademarks. It provides crucial information for brand protection and helps in decision-making. This platform enables users to search for existing trademarks, assess their availability, and avoid potential infringement issues. By conducting a comprehensive trademark search, users can make informed decisions when it comes to branding, marketing, and product development. This tool promotes transparency, fosters fair competition, and helps safeguard intellectual property rights.