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Central Ground Water Board NOC for Drinking & Domestic Purposes in Notified and Non-notified areas


Introduction: CGWB NOC for Drinking & Domestic Purposes

All users drawing/ proposing to draw groundwater through non-energized means and pumps of upto 2 Horse Power (HP) from a single tubewell in their premises will be exempted rom seeking NOC. However, those drawing/proposing to draw groundwater through a pump of higher HP and/ or through more than one functional tubewell shall be required to seek NOC for groundwater withdrawal.

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NOC will be granted for the withdrawal of groundwater through existing /new groundwater abstraction structures only for drinking and domestic purpose even in notified areas. NOC for groundwater withdrawal will be considered only in cases where the supply department concerned is unable to supply an adequate amount of water in the area. Government water supply agencies are also required to seek NOC from authorized officers for existing as well as new schemes based on groundwater sources.

For granting NOC for groundwater withdrawal for drinking & domestic purposes, two broad categories identified are as follows:

  • Individual Households
  • Infrastructure Projects/ Industries/ Mining Projects/ Water Supply Agencies/ Others.

Individual Households/Connections

Individual households/ connections having more than one tubewell/borewell or drawing ground water through a pump of more than 2 HP from a single tubewell/ borewell in the premises will be eligible to apply for NOC under this category. NOC for groundwater extraction shall be granted to individuals households/connections subject to the following connections:

The Proof of Ownership of Household (s) shall accompany application for NOC.
  • The NOC for new wells shall be granted only in such cases where in the public water supply system does not exist/ water supply is inadequate.
  • The NOC shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of issue or till such time public water supply is provided to the household, whichever is earlier. The Applicant will have to apply for renewal of NOC at least 90 days prior to the expiry of its validity.
  • If the existing well becomes defunct within the validity period of NOC, the user can construct a replacement well under intimation to the designated authority online. The defunct well shall be properly sealed.
  • The NOC shall become void in case of change in land use of the property/water use. It will then become mandatory for the owner to apply afresh for NOC.

Infrastructure Projects Requiring Water Only For Drinking And Domestic Use

Infrastructure Projects/Industries/Mining Projects/Water Supply Agencies/ Others Requiring Water Only For Drinking And Domestic Use

NOC for groundwater withdrawal for drinking and domestic purpose only for infrastructure projects/industry/mining projects/ water supply agencies/ others will be granted based on the following conditions:

Applications for NOC shall be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Approval letter from the State Government Agency for the project (Consent To Establish)
  • Referral letter in case of industries/mines from statutory bodies viz. Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) or State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) or State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SLEIAA) or Urban / Rural Development Authority where MoEF&CC/SPCB/SEAC/SLEIAA do not issue referral letter.
  • Approved plan of water supply in case of water supply agency.
  • Details of water requirements computed as per CPHEEO Norms, taking into account recycling/reuse of treated water.
  • Certificate of non-availability of water from the concerned water supply agency in case of infrastructure project/industry/mine.
  • A schematic diagram (Flow Diagram) showing details of source-wise water availability including quantum being/to be provided by public water supply agency, water requirement and recycled water use at each stage for new projects.
  • NOC shall not be granted for extraction of groundwater or construction activities in the project in Critical/ Over-Exploited areas.
  • Quantum of Ground Water for purposes other than Drinking/Domestic use like Horticulture, Fire Fighting arrangements, cleaning etc., shall not exceed 25% of total groundwater abstraction.
  • Use of Fresh Ground Water for Swimming Pool and Other Water-based recreations are not permitted in over-exploited and critical areas.
  • NOC for New/ Existing Wells shall be granted only in such cases where the required amount of water is not available from the public water supply system.
  • If the existing well becomes defunct within the validity period of NOC, the user can construct a replacement well under intimation to the designated authorized officer online. The defunct well shall be properly sealed.
  • Government Infrastructure Projects, Government water supply agencies and Group Housing Societies / Private Housing Societies with only basic amenities will be exempted from payment of the Water Conservation Fee.
  • Installation of a Digital Water Flow meter in the abstraction structure(s) is mandatory and confirmation of the same shall be given to the designated authorized officer within 90 days of the grant of NOC.
  • The NOC shall be valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue or till such time public water supply is provided to the household, whichever is earlier.
  • The proponent /authorized representative of the occupants of the infrastructure project shall apply for renewal of NOC at least 90 days prior to the expiry of its validity.

NOC Renewal of NOC

  • After the expiry of the validity of the NOC, it shall be renewed subject to compliance of the conditions mentioned of the NOC.
  • Application or renewal of NOC should be accompanied by the Compliance Report.
  • Renewal of NOC’s will be done by the Authorized Officer /Organization.
  • Before granting renewal, an inspection of the premises will be carried out by the concerned designated authority to check compliance of the conditions laid down in the NOC.
  • In case of a change in the category of the area, renewals would be granted with conditions as laid down or such new category areas.
  • Processing fees prescribed if any, from time to time shall be charged for issuance and renewal of NOC.
  • NOC will be renewed for term specified or various uses as follows:

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