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Eligibility and Licensing For FSSAI


The Following Businesses are Required to obtain Central FSSAI License:

  • Dairy units and having milk chilling units furnished to manage or process more than 50,000 litres of liquid milk per day or 2500 MT of milk solid per annum.
  • Units processing Vegetable oil and producing vegetable oil by the process of solvent extraction and refineries including oil expeller unit processing more than 2 MT per day.
  • Slaughtering units are managing more than 50 large animals or 150 small animals or more than 1000 poultry birds per day.
  • Units processing Meat more than 500 kg of meat per day or 150 MT per annum.
  • All food processing units also re-labellers and re-packers processing more than 2 MT per day except grains, cereals, and pulses milling units.
  • All manufacturers of proprietary foods
  • All 100% Export Oriented Units
  • All importers importing food items including food ingredients and additives for commercial use
  • Storage units are other than those having a controlled atmosphere and cold environment having a capacity of more than 50,000 MT.
  • Cold or Refrigerated Storage having a capacity of more than 10,000 MT.
  • Controlled Atmosphere + Cold Storage having a capacity of more than 1,000 MT.
  • Wholesalers with a turnover of more than Rs.30 crores per annum.
  • Retailers having turnover of more than Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Distributors having turnover of more than Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Suppliers having turnover of more than Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Caterers whose turnover is more than Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Hotels – Five Star & Above.
  • Restaurants having turnover of more than Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Transporters owing more than 100 vehicles or having turnover of more than Rs.30 crores per annum.
  • Marketers having a turnover of more than Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Establishments giving food catering services and units under Central Government Agencies like Defence, etc.,
  • Storage or Wholesalers or Retailers or Distributors having premises in Central Government Agencies.
  • The Food caterers at seaport located at Kandla, Tuticorin, Vishakhapatnam, Kolkata, Marmagoa, Cochin, Mumbai, Chennai, JNPT, and/or airport located at Kolkata, Trichy, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Amritsar, Cochin, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Trivendrum, and Ahmedabad.

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Documents Required for Obtaining Central FSSAI License:

The documents to be submitted with the FSSAI for obtaining Central FSSAI License are as under:

  1. Form- B is complete in all respect and signed by the Proprietor/Partner/ Authorized Signatory.
  2. Layout plan of the processing unit displaying the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only).
  3. List of Directors / Proprietor / Executive Members of Society / Trust/ Partner with full address and contact details (Mandatory for Companies only).
  4. List of equipment and machinery along with the number, installed capacity and horsepower used (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only).
  5. Identity and address proof issued by the Government for Proprietor / Partner / Director(s) / Authorized Signatory (Optional).
  6. List of food categories desired to be manufactured. (For manufacturers only).
  7. Authority letter with name and address of responsible person nominated by the manufacturer along with alternative responsible person indicating the powers vested with them viz assisting the officers in inspection, collection of samples, packing and dispatch. (For manufacturers and processors).
  8. Survey report (Bacterial & Chemical) of water to be used as an ingredient in food from a recognized / public health laboratory to confirm the portability. (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing units).
  9. Proof of possession of premises (Sale deed / Rental Agreement / Electricity Bill) (Optional).
  10. Declaration of Proprietorship or MOA & AOA or Partnership Deed with Certificate of Incorporation and List of Directors with the address. In the case of the Company, mentioned pages must be uploaded: Certificate of Incorporation, Authorization of food business activity and List of Directors with addresses.
  11. Certificate (Copy) obtained under Coop Act – 1861 / Multi-State Coop Act – 2002 in case of Cooperatives. (If applicable).
  12. Copy of License and NOC from the manufacturer (Mandatory for Re-labellers and Re-packers).
  13. Food Safety Management System Plan or Certificate (if any).
  14. Source or procurement plan for milk including location of milk collection centres in case of milk and milk products processing units. (if applicable).
  15. Source of raw material for meat and meat processing plants. (if applicable).
  16. Pesticide remaining report of water in case of units manufacturing packaged drinking water, packaged mineral water and/or carbonated water from a recognized / public health laboratory.
  17. Recall plan wherever applicable, with details on whom the product is distributed (optional).
  18. NOC from Municipality or Local Body (optional).
  19. Ministry of Commerce Certificate for 100% EOU.
  20. Supporting documentary proof of turnover.
  21. NOC/PA documents issued by FSSAI.
  22. IE Code document issued by DGFT.
  23. FSSAI Form IX: Nomination of Persons by a Company along with the Board Resolution.
  24. Certificate provided by the Ministry of Tourism (HRACC). (Mandatory for Hotels).
  25. Proof of turnover document or self-declaration of the number of vehicles (Mandatory for Transporters).
  26. 26.FSSAI Declaration Form.

Eligibility for State FSSAI License:

The following businesses are required to obtain State FSSAI License:

  • Dairy units having milk chilling units furnished to handle or process 501 to 50,000 litres of liquid milk per day or more than 2.5 MT to 2500 MT of milk solid per annum.
  • Units processing Vegetable oil and units producing vegetable oil by the process of solvent extraction and refineries including oil expeller unit processing up to 2 MT per day and turnover of above 12 Lakhs.
  • Slaughtering units are handling more than 2 to 50 large animals or more than 10 to 150 small animals or more than 50 to 1000 poultry birds per day.
  • Meat processing units process up to 500 kg of meat per day or 150 MT per annum.
  • All the units processing food also re-labellers and re-packers processing more than 100 Kg/ litre to 2 MT per day including grains, cereals and pulses milling units.
  • Storage units are other than those having controlled atmosphere and cold environments having a capacity of up to 50,000 MT.
  • Cold or Refrigerated Storage having a capacity of up to 10,000 MT.
  • Cold Storage plus Controlled Atmosphere having a capacity of up to 1,000 MT.
  • Wholesalers having turnover of up to Rs.30 crores per annum.
  • Retailers having turnover of up to Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Distributors having turnover of up to Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Suppliers having turnover of up to Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Caterers having turnover of up to Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Dhaba, Boarding houses serving food, Banquet halls with food catering arrangements, home-based canteens/Dhaba wallas, Permanent/ Temporary Stall holder, Food Stalls/Arrangements in Religious gatherings/fairs etc. having turnover of upto Rs. 12 Lakhs per annum.
  • Three-star Hotels  & with above rating but below Five stars or upto Three stars and turnover more than 12 Lakh.
  • Restaurants where turnover is up to Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Transporters having up to 100 vehicles or turnover upto Rs. 30 crores per annum.
  • Those marketers with a turnover of upto Rs.20 crores per annum.
  • Establishments giving catering services and units under Central Government Agencies like Railways, Air, Defence, etc., i.e. Food catering services in seaport/Airport excluding seaport located at Kandla, Tuticorin, Vishakhapatnam, Kolkata, Marmagoa, Cochin, Mumbai, Chennai, JNPT or excluding airport located at Kolkata, Trichy, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Amritsar, Cochin, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Trivandrum and Ahmedabad.

Documents required for FSSAI  State License.

  1. Form- B is completed and signed by the Proprietor or Partner or Authorized Signatory.
  2. Layout plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions and operation-wise area allocation (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only).
  3. List of Directors (in the company) / Proprietor (sole proprietor)/ Partner (firm)/ Executive Members of Society / Trust with full address and contact details (Mandatory for Companies only).
  4. List of equipment and machinery along with the number, installed capacity and horsepower used (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only).
  5. Identity and address proof issued by the Government for Proprietor / Partner / Director(s) / Authorized Signatory (Optional).
  6. List of food categories desired to be manufactured. (For manufacturers only).
  7. Authority letter with name and address of responsible person nominated by the manufacturer along with alternative responsible person indicating the powers vested with them viz assisting the officers in inspection, collection of samples, packing and dispatch. (For manufacturers and processors).
  8. Investigation report (Chemical & Bacteriological) of water to be used as an ingredient in food from a recognized / public health laboratory to confirm the portability. (Mandatory for manufacturing and processing units).
  9. Proof of possession of premises (Sale deed / Rental Agreement / Electricity Bill) (Optional).
  10. Deed of Partnership or Declaration for Proprietorship or MOA & AOA along with Certificate of Incorporation and List of Directors with the address. In the case of the Company, mentioned pages must be uploaded: Certificate of Incorporation,  Authorization of food business activity and List of Directors with addresses).
  11. Certificate (copy) obtained under Coop Act – 1861 / Multi-State Coop Act – 2002 in case of Cooperatives. (If applicable).
  12. Copy of License and NOC from the manufacturer (Mandatory for Re-labellers and Re-packers).
  13. Food Safety Management System Plan or Certificate (if any).
  14. Source/procurement plan for milk including location of milk collection centres in case of milk and milk products processing units. (if applicable).
  15. Pesticide waste report of water in case of units manufacturing packaged drinking water, packaged mineral water and/or carbonated water from a recognized / public health laboratory.
  16. Recall plan if applicable, with details of where the product is distributed (optional).
  17. NOC from Municipality or Local Body (optional).
  18. Supporting documentary proof of turnover.
  19. NOC/PA documents issued by FSSAI.
  20. FSSAI Form IX: Nomination of Persons by a Company along with the Board Resolution.

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