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PM Narendra Modi Relaxes Export Regulations of Basmati Rice and Onions to Speed Up Income Generation for Farmers.


PM Narendra Modi in his latest press statement paid special mention to the fact that the centre has decided to ease restrictions on exporting basmati rice and onions, which he claimed was an important step towards raising farm incomes as well as generating employment opportunities in rural regions. This way, the government is trying to encourage agricultural exports with relief for farmers whose livelihood means were threatened by economic conditions.

In his speech, he further elaborated that the relaxation of these export rules shall improve access to international markets for the farmers and thus increase the demand for their produce. Facilitating exports, the government aims that there can be better price realization for farmers, which is practically the need for their financial stability and growth.

Basmati rice and onions have been the two major crops that India has been exporting. Relaxation of restrictions would boost these exports, and the initiative is viewed against the backdrop of the government's strategy to make the agricultural sector a prime mover of growth in the economy. "Boosting exports does not only directly help farmers but also generates jobs in the countryside, where agriculture is one of the major employers for millions," Modi said.

The PM said that quality and standards are necessary to sustain India's brand value in international markets. He urged farmers to maintain high standards of cultivation as well as post-harvest processing to raise the quality bar. Quality will be a key factor in successful competition globally, thus leading to a taste for Indian basmati rice and onions all over the world.

This move by Modi has been warmly welcomed by the agricultural community, considering that this is a long-overdue step. Many of the farmers have expressed hope that this policy would lead to a rising income and better living standards in the rural regions.

The support measures, which include financial aid and training programs, shall also be implemented, which farmers can avail themselves of to fully exploit this changed policy. The investment in infrastructure and technology shall ensure mechanization of the supply chain so the farmers can easily access global markets.

The relaxation of export rules in the case of basmati rice and onions by Prime Minister Modi reveals a proactive approach on his part to empowering farmers, strengthening rural livelihoods, and enhancing agricultural economic growth. Such an initiative becomes symbolic of the government in its commitment to stimulating the rural economy and underpinning the backbone of India's agricultural landscape.

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