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How To Change Name in Educational Certificate?


Change Name in Educational Certificate:- Overview

The document you obtain after successfully completing an academic period is known as an educational certificate. When you finish high school, you will obtain a high school diploma that will reflect how well you did in that level of education. This certificate is required when applying for college and some businesses may accept it for job openings that do not require a degree. If you enroll in college, you will receive a diploma at the conclusion of your studies. This is a degree certificate that can be used to apply for graduate school or employment. Employers view the certificate as proof that you were trained for the job, that you completed the course, and that you are qualified to work. Individuals who wish to pursue a master's or even a doctorate degree will get a certificate upon completion of the programmer. Other certifications, such as university attestations and (where applicable) leaving certificates, could also be classified as educational certificates. 

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Process of Name Change in Educational Certificate

The procedure for changing your name on your school (change name in 10th and 12th marksheet) or college diploma & degree certificate is equivalent to the procedure for legally changing your name.

The process involves 5 steps:

  • Affidavit Submission
  • Ad in Newspaper
  • Gazette notification
  • Verification 
  • Approval

Affidavit Submission

You must first acquire the help of a local notary to create an affidavit for a name change. You will be asked to explain why you want your name changed. For example, in some communities, a woman is given a new name after marriage, which she may choose to formally adopt, or which someone may wish to modify because it is too long or difficult to pronounce.

Ad In Newspaper

The name change must then be published in at least two local publications. One appeared in a national newspaper, while the other appeared in a regional publication. This is to guarantee that the press is aware of your new name. Also, remember to keep a copy of the newspaper on hand for future reference.

Gazette Notification

After it's been published, you should get it published in the official gazette of the state where you belong. This can be accomplished by completing the deed changing name form available at the gazette office. Don't forget to make duplicate copies as well. Send the copies to the office to be published in the Government press as a gazette notification. 


Now comes the stage when the Department of Commerce and the Secretary of Transportation will verify your paperwork. You'll need to send a message to this effect.

  • A letter to the secretary declaring you want to change your name and requesting permission to do so.
  • The deed changing name form
  • At least 2 copies of the local Newspaper that published your name change
  •  Attested copy of the affidavit
  • A copy of your present identity for ex, (Voter ID Card, Passport, PAN Card, etc.)


After receiving the approval from the Secretary, You'll need to submit it to the local government's gazette office. You'll also have to pay a price to have it published in the newspaper, as well. Now that you've officially changed your name, you can approach your educational institution and advise them of the change. It would be gainful to pay an individual visit to the school organization office. Whenever you've presented the documentation demonstrating your name change, it'll just involve time before it's considered your instructive testament

Important Points To Be Noted:

You should be aware of the following factors when changing your name on educational certificates:

  • The majority of registrars at universities and schools only deal with name changes for students who are currently enrolled.
  • Previous students, on the other hand, would require a variety of paperwork to change their names.
  • Completed name change certification forms(For SSC certificate and degree certificate), as well as all supporting documents listed on the application form, are required.
  • Divorce orders, marriage certificates, court-issued certificates, social security cards, passports, and state identification cards or driver's licenses are all acceptable documents in some circumstances.
  • Students are encouraged to submit these forms in person or by registered mail by most educational institutions.
  • You can change your name after graduation, you would need to provide Affidavits that must be submitted to the respective authorities, which are normally notarized by a gazetted officer.

It's also worth noting that the name must have been officially changed in court or within the jurisdiction in order to get a substitute diploma under the new name. As a result, the procedure starts virtually as soon as the name change request form and all supporting documents are completed.

News Update: 

The Chandigarh district court ordered the CBSE to issue new certificates and mark sheets to students who alter their names in January 2020. The CBSE had previously refused to do so, but the court ruled that the plaintiff is entitled to alter her name and cannot be made to suffer as a result of it.

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